Company name

Natur und Wissenschaft erleben

Activities for the following group size

max. 15 persons

My target groups

Adults, Youth, Children, Senior citizens, School clases, Families, People with disabilities

Length of tours

1 - 10km; on average: 2 - 3km

Catering/food supply during tour



e.g. 12€/adult per 90 minutes; 120€/ group per 90 minutes; for more prices see my website

About me

As a child i already had been crazy about nature und I remained this way. After I studied biology with a broad range of subjects, I initially travled the world. During work stays in Greece, Belize, Kenia, Norway and on numerous privat journeys to other countries, I was able to gain extensive knowlegde of biodiversity and ecological interrelations. Besides working as a nature guide and in environmental education for many years, I also worked as a teacher of biology, chemistry and physics for more than a decade. Meanwhile I settled down here in my wifes homeland and founded "Natur und Wissenschaft erleben" ("experiencing nature and science"), to convey a scientific overall picture of nature to visitors during special guided walks.

Why a trip to my region is worthwhile

The island of Rügen offers many very specific types of habitats in a small space: e.g. active cliffs, old beech forests, nutrient-poor grasslands, coastal dunes, brackish and freshwaters - and all of this surrounded by the ecologically most interesting European sea. This region is worth a close look because both, the Baltic sea as well as its islands and coastlines, are home to an unique mixture of creatures due to their spectacular geology, their special geographical position and their environmental specifics.

Special tour offers

Naturewalk "Biodiversity and ecology of the Baltic Sea Region"
Naturewalk "Food and medicine from nature"
Naturewalk "Medical plants along the roadside"

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    Contact information
    • 0177 2981028

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