Northern Poland

Magnificent Pomerania

From the mighty Oder River Delta in the west to the shifting sand dunes of Słowiński National Park in the east, Polish Pomerania is a place of varied landscapes, intact wilderness, and cultural fascinations. Pristine little rivers wind through vast forests and extensive hilly landscapes, remnants of gigantic glaciers that left behind impressive moraine walls during the last ice age, just 20,000 years ago. On the Baltic Sea, sandy beaches seem to run infinitely along the coast, where wind and water constantly re-shape the shoreline. Natural lagoons have formed behind narrow spits, creating a rich habitat for plants and animals on land and in the water.

Abundant wildlife and an eventful history

Though much of the land has been cultivated by the different peoples who have called this land home over the centuries, wide expanses of scenic nature remain in the often sparsely populated region. European bison roam the forests and meadows, shy wolves hunt in the dark of night, and majestic elks make it seem like this is a place from a different time. The smaller rivers run mostly undisturbed in their valleys, providing biotopes for otters and beavers. Thanks to the often crystal-clear streams, life underwater can be observed just as well, from crawling crayfish to endangered eels. Further south, the ice age left behind several lake districts and impenetrable marshlands, a paradise for birds and rare insects. The eventful history of the region can be explored in the charming towns and seaside resorts, but also in the shape of abandoned ruins of age-old watermills and other peasant remains along the winding rivers.

Accompanied by a Nature Guide you can cycle through this diverse landscape, or drift down a little stream in your kayak or canoe, or follow the tracks of wild animals in the beech forests by foot – it is up to you.

Discover northern Poland with a Nature Guide