Activities for the following group size

Solo travellers and groups up to 10 people, optimum size of the group is 3-5 persons

My target groups


Length of tours

Avg. 50-70 km, up to 170 km by car. Hikes and walks 3-12 km.

Catering/food supply during tour

Tour-Stop at a restaurant, café or similar, On request


1-4 persons: 15 EUR/hour, 5-10 persons: 15 EUR/person, all day tour (10-18 hours): 150 EUR/person

About me

I have been interested in wildlife and nature since early childhood. This led me to Biology and Ecology studies and involvement in scientific research and environmental protection projects. Since 2018 I've lived in Nemundas delta and Baltic Seaside area and I am astonished by its nature, spring floods, diversity of migrating and local birds and rich ethnographic heritage. As I am discovering this region more and more every day, I am happy to be your guide for the best experience in nature.

Why a trip to my region is worthwhile

Flooded meadows and marshes of the Neman Delta, Ramsar site, bird migration route, thousands of geese, elusive aquatic warbler, bird bell station Vente, rich ethnographic heritage, Curonian lagoon, Curonian Spit, sand dunes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Baltic Sea, Ellings, migratory birds in the autumn sky, wind in your hair ... a good feeling in your heart.

Topics of my tours
Activities offered
Special tour offers

Birdwatching tour in Nemunas Delta Regional Park

Urban birding walks in Klaipeda or Vilnius.

Wintering birds’ watch in the Baltic sea from the coast (in December-February).

All other tours are arranged individually at your request.

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    Contact information
    • +37065244579
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