Company name

Alcedo Wildlife Photography ir MB „Keturi Ereliai“

Activities for the following group size

Single person, couples, small groups, groups up to 12 persons

My target groups

Adults, Youth, Children, Senior citizens, School clases, Couples, Families

Length of tours

Minimum: 10-15 km, Average: 50-75 km; Maximum: 1500km (Bulgarian trip 10 days)

Catering/food supply during tour

Tour-Stop at a restaurant, café or similar


1-3 persons: 20€/h, 4-10 persons: 20€/per person, Hide rental: 100€/day, multi-day tours all-inclusive: depends on group size and level of comfort. Hide rental 100€/day

About me

In 2008 I visited the Nemunas Delta region for the first time and I was captured by how wild it is. I moved to the area in 2015 and I am still deeply in love with it. I had already been guiding groups in Bulgaria and other parts of Lithuania, but here is where I feel most at home. I love guiding people, so becoming a certified and professional nature guide was always my dream.

Why a trip to my region is worthwhile

Rich of biodiversity, low developed and have charismatic people and nice weather. Flood plains, fifth season, Ramras site, Neman’s river delta, Wildlife, biodiversity, nature tourism, sustainable development, migratory birds’ route, nature and culture heritage, birding in Lithuania, birdwatching in Lithuania, Pomeranian, Curonian lagoon, Aquatic warbler, nature guide, Lithuania minor, nature.

Special tour offers

Further information and specific tour offer can be found on my website:

Contact form

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    Contact information
    • +37063801820

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